Have you ever paid a lot for something at an auction just so you can give it away? No, I haven’t either! But Stephanie Howerton, former president of the Women's Auxiliary, did just that at the Women’s Auxiliary’sAnnual Christmas Luncheon and Fashion Show in December. She was sitting with Jo Bright, director of The Salvation Army North Mabee Boys and Girls Club. The item opened for bidding was a tour of KJRH-Channel 2 . Stephanie asked Jo if her club kids would enjoy it, and when Jo said yes, Stephanie started bidding. So did someone else, someone who quickly drove the price up to $600 then suddenly dropped out. Stephanie bought the tour and the kids from North Mabee recently got to enjoy it. Jo selected kids who are enrolled in the club's ACT Preparatory Program and treated them to pizza after the tour.
The North Mabee kids got to read scripts, and learned about the numerous jobs available at the station and the education needed to do them. They met the production crew and quizzed meteorologist Dan Threlkeld. They especially liked getting to know anchors Karen Larsen and Russ McCaskey. Karen explained the history of the station and described the evolution of cameras, film and equipment. So are you wondering about the identity of the person who was so competitively bidding against Stephanie for the tour? It was her daughter-in-law, Rhonda Howerton. Thank you, Howerton ladies. I have a feeling that next year might bring another bidding war - which could be pay back for Rhonda, but can only be good for The Salvation Army! -Sallie
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