Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Salvation Army Easter Services

Easter is here already, can you believe it? It seems like yesterday I was writing a post about Christmas. How do you celebrate Easter -- by hunting brightly colored eggs, eating the ears off of chocolate bunnies, going to church? Maybe all three?  No matter how you celebrate Easter, have you thought about what Easter is or even how in the world the Easter bunny lays eggs?

Let’s start with the easy one first. Easter is the holiday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on the third day after his crucifixion. Okay, now for the slightly harder question, how did an egg-laying bunny come into play? Well, the first mention of Oschter Haws  (i.e the Easter Bunny) was mentioned in German writings back in the 1600s. Oschter Haws is a rabbit that lays a nest full of brightly colored eggs and candy for good boys and girls. The idea of Oschter Haws was brought to America in the 1700 by Dutch settlers.

Rabbits are known for their fertility especially during the spring (when we celebrate Easter) and eggs have been regarded as a symbol of new life since early Roman times. Put them both together and you have the Easter Bunny. A symbolic representation of the new life we have through Christ who died but rose again.

If you are looking for a church service or maybe a lovely Easter lunch then please consider joining us at one of our Corps.

Tulsa Citadel- 3901 East 28th Street, Tulsa.  Sunday School 10a.m., Morning Services 11a.m.

Center of Hope-102 North Denver Ave, Tulsa.  Easter Lunch 11a.m. -2 p.m., Evening Service 6:30 p.m.

Broken Arrow Corps- 1400 West Washington, Broken Arrow. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Morning Services 11 a.m.

Sand Springs Corps-4403 South 129th West Avenue, Sand Springs.  Breakfast and fellowship 9:15 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m., Morning Service 11a.m.


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