The Sapulpa Boys & Girls Club also hosted a private reception on Friday afternoon for Sapulpa volunteers who were honored with President’s Volunteer Service Awards. The Sapulpa staff told stories about Larry - the handy man, the van driver, the kettle counter - There isn’t much Larry hasn’t done at the Sapulpa club. We heard how the senior adults’ water aerobics class has thrived under Darlene’s leadership. I wish we could share stories about the impact each of our 27 honorees is making in this community. We are blessed to have incredible volunteers like Larry and Darlene at each of our locations!
Along with a certificate, each President’s Volunteer Award recipient was presented with a signed letter from President Obama. In this letter, he says, “Individuals, the private sector, and government must combine efforts to make real and lasting change so that each person has the opportunity to fulfill his or her potential…” Our faithful volunteers bring immeasurable strength to the impact The Salvation Army makes in the Tulsa area, because they are committed to making “real and lasting change” in the lives of the people in this community.
In his letter to the honorees, President Obama also says, “While government can open more opportunities for us to serve our communities, it is up to each of us to seize those opportunities. Thank you for your devotion to service and for doing all you can to shape a better tomorrow for our great Nation.”
As National Volunteer Week has come to a close, we at The Salvation Army Tulsa Area Command echo this sentiment of appreciation. Thank you, wonderful volunteers, for seizing the opportunity to make a difference in this community.
-Michelle Thomas, Volunteer Coordinator
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